Internet Info 1994 March
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DDN MGT Bulletin 123 DISA DDN Defense Communications System
19 April 1993 Published by: DDN Network Info Center
(NIC@NIC.DDN.MIL) (800) 365-3642
The DDN MANAGEMENT BULLETIN is distributed online by the DDN Network
Information Center under DISA contract as a means of communicating
official policy, procedures and other information of concern to
management personnel at DDN facilities. Back issues may be read
through the TACNEWS server ("@n" command at the TAC) or may be
obtained by FTP (or Kermit) from the NIC.DDN.MIL host []
using login="anonymous" and password="guest". The pathname
for bulletins is ddn-news/ddn-mgt-bulletin-nn.txt (where "nn" is the
bulletin number).
Subject: Transition of the DDN Pilot Network Transmission Layer
1. The initial fielding of the DDN Pilot Network, or DISN-NT, transmission
layer was supported by BBN T500 Smart Multiplexers. This network has been
operational for about two years. It supports the router network that provides
store and forward services to/from the civilian internet. It also supports
eight MILNET inter-switch trunks (ISTs).
2. Due to the DISN project, and the selection of the IDNX Smart Multiplexer
for that project, the T500s are being decommissioned. On 1-2 May 93, the T500
network will be decommissioned and all circuits it currently supports will be
transitioned to AFNET using IDNX equipment. This cutover could cause lengthy
outages for the MILNET ISTs and the routers during 1-2 May. We regret any
inconvenience caused by these outages.
3. From 3 May 93 on, all transmission layer problems should be reported to
AFTCO Scott AFB, DSN 576-2591, commercial (618)256-2591. Any problems reported
to the Conus MILNET Monitoring Center (CMMC) dealing with these circuits will
be directed to AFTCO Scott AFB.
4. As stated in DDN Management Bulletin 112, DISN-NT IPR outages/problems
should be reported to the DISN Level II monitoring center in Columbus, Ohio,
DSN 850-8080 or commercial (614)692-8080.
5. Operational point of contact for this transition is:
Mr Jefferson Rock, DSN 222-7580, commercial (703)692-7580,
e-mail: inetmgr@ddn-conus.ddn.mil
alternate POC is:
Maj Ted Tatchio, DSN 222-2757, commercial (703)692-2757,
e-mail: milnetmgr@ddn-conus.ddn.mil